Day of defeat source sniper config
Day of defeat source sniper config

Released in 2003 - 2004 after a brief closed beta period open only to Members, this entirely new version of Runescape had many major overhauls. Players were also given the option to transfer characters to the new version from Runescape Classic, or keep those characters in RSC. Two detail settings, Low detail which added next to no textures, basic shapes and was ideal for slow computers, and high detail which added basic textures, and more foliage were implemented.

day of defeat source sniper config

Everything in the game was also in 3D as well, including NPCs, characters, monsters and everything else which was previously just a 2D sprite. Dynamic animations were also implemented which were also improved upon over the years. The camera also has a bit more freedom with the ability to view overhead or an almost side-on view, unlike RSC's camera which could only turn in a circle or be at a fixed angle in certain areas through settings.Ĭombat was also given a major overhaul. Furthermore.Magic users could now autocast their spells.Īfter many minor graphical and engine updates which were implemented over the years, RuneTek 3 got phased out for RuneTek 5 (As RT4 ran alongside RT3 as it was a separate detail mode.) Ranged users and Magic users could use their abilities in Melee range, and the concept of the Combat Triangle was further developed through stat rebalances.


Texture blending was improved tenfold.RuneTek 4 and the RuneScape High Detail update brought many significant graphical changes to the game including such things as: Released on 1 July 2008, first as a Members only feature but then becoming available to all players 2 weeks later.

day of defeat source sniper config day of defeat source sniper config

Paths which did look jagged before now looked like they smoothly integrated with the nearby terrain. The ground had a lot of added textures which made the game look a lot more realistic than it did beforehand.

Day of defeat source sniper config